Thursday, September 9, 2010

“Incident Compromised” to Festivals in New Delhi and Oslo in 2010

The performance of “Incident Compromised” will be restaged at the International Circus Festival 2010 in The Circus Village in Torshovparken, Oslo, 11.9.-12.9. and IGNITE! Festival in New Delhi, India, in November 12.11-13.11.2010 

"Incident Compremised" spilles ;
Sirkus Landsbyen i Thorsovparken/Oslo
11 September, Lørdag; klokken 20.00
12 September, Søndag; klokken 21.00

Ignite Festival for samtidsdans i New Dehli
12 November, Fredag.
13 november, Lørdag.

Produksjonene er et samarbeid mellom Xproarts -og koreograf Sudesh Adhana og "Rudi Skotheim Jensen Works", med blant annet Eos Karlsson, Tilo Hahn og Ulf Knudsen. Produksjonen ble først oppført i 2007, men har nå blitt gjenprodusert, i anledning av "Sirkus Landsbyen" og "Ignite Festivalen."

Sunday, May 30, 2010

"DRE three" invited to residency in Tolosa, Spain in Sep-Oct 2010

The TOPIC, International Puppet Center of Tolosa, Spain, wants to invite the team of the production DRE for a Residency in its facilities from 27th September to 9th October 2010. The aim of this Residency will be to rehearse and finish the performance DRE which will have its premiere at the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet on the 12 and 13 of October.  The Residency will finish with a pre-premiere of the show at the TOPIC Theatre.

"DRE three" to be premiered at the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet 12 and 13 of October 2010

The performance "DRE" by Damini House of Culture choreographed by Sudesh Adhana in collaboration with two highly profiled dance and puppetry artist from India, will have its premiere at the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet the 12 and 13 of October 2010. 

"Incident Compromised" invited to perform in Ignite Festival in New Delhi, India 10-13th of November 2010.

The Dance Company XPROARTS with the performance "Incident Compromised" is invited to IGNITE! Festival of Contemporary Dance (10-13 Nov 2010) in New Delhi, India. 

This Festival has been designed to develop and enhance the cultural and artistic exchange between 
European Countries like Norway and India. READ MORE

"Fishing for Love" in the Festival of Sound of Oslo, May 2010

A new project in collaboration with Ella Fiskum Danz was premiered at Tjuvholmen, Oslo in the Sound of Oslo Festival, on 22nd and 23rd of May 2010. The piece was an extreme outdoor 30 minutes event with dance, a 64square meter net above the fjord, hanging from a crane with music, tissue, flying and synchron swimming. READ MORE